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Hantle c4000 Series ATM

The Hantle c4000 series of ATMs is a modular ATM machine that is flexible enough to adapt to your business needs while offering a standard range of impressive features.

The Hantle c4000 combines the “best in class” convergence between ATM and self-service functionality.

Built standard with features such as a 10.4” High-Resolution color LCD, both modem and integrated Ethernet (SSL) communications and a wide variety of dispensing options (up to 4 cassettes), the C4000 provides the perfect hardware platform on which to implement innovative new services and potential revenue streams for ATM owners. The Win CE Operating System provides the flexibility to create made-to-order solutions including custom applications, customer-specific branding and graphics for retailers and value added services for consumers. The Hantle c4000 is fully TDES and ADA compliant right out of the box, including a PCI/VISA or Interac Encrypting Pin Pad (EPP) and a voice/lighted transaction guidance system.

Contact us for Best Price: 877-663-6128

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  • Multiple cassettes for constant cash flow
  • A flexible platform for ultimate functionality
  • 56K modem or TCP/IP with SSL encryption
  • Visa/PCI/Interac certified pin pad
  • Voice guidance and lighted indicators
  • Standard illuminated topper for visibility
  • Color, 10.4” backlit LCD monitor
  • 80 mm thermal receipts
  • Manual dip card reader

Choose from optional EMV card reader, illuminated high topper, and up to four removable cassettes. Bill pay and prepaid-ready for future upgrades.

Dimensions and Weight:

  • Height: 56”
  • Width: 17”
  • Depth: 23”
  • Weight: 260 lbs